by Bob Gresh with Dannah Gresh
Every good player needs a coach. Approximately 64 percent of Christian men struggle with sexual addiction or compulsion. That’s the information we have on adult men. Though there aren’t really any comprehensive surveys on teen guys, most of the adults say it started during their teen years. It just never went away. Lust is deeply affecting our church and the problem is growing at a rapid rate. If we want to fight the effects of lust we’ve got to start where it begins to take root–during the teen years.
The Goalpost Leader’s Guide offers an aggressive approach to helping guys before the seduction of the world overtakes them. To be used as a weekend retreat or a ten-week Bible study, the curriculum’s primary purpose is to give young men practical tools to live a life of purity. Our objectives are simple but powerful.
Oh, and just in case your teen guys don’t like boring, speaking-intensive events…you can assure them that this will be high-contact and fun. The educational philosophy behind this curriculum is that the most effective kind of learning is experiential. the least effective kind of learning comes about from verbal teaching. Everything you’ll do with the guys has the intended purpose of teaching…even playing Maul Ball! (If only all learning were this fun!)
The Goalpost guide is also designed to match the teaching format of the And the Bride Wore White girls retreat. Who Moved the Goalpost will challenge today’s teen and college-aged young men to a life of integrity by helping them to understand that they are not alone.
“Few [books] address as bluntly and as openly as this one…It…will inspire teen guys to a greater purity.”
Moody, Sept./Oct. 2001
“Bob has written an engaging and practical tool for young men to use in avoiding the deadly trap of and addiction.”
Dr. Ted Roberts
Pastor and Author of Pure Desire
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