Help Us Plant Deep Roots of Truth!

Lies Girls Believe


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Product Details

by Dannah Gresh


You can’t change the world, but you can prepare her for it.

Today’s girls face a number of challenges we never dealt with at their age. From skyrocketing anxiety rates to bullying on social media, the Enemy’s lies are everywhere. How do you help the girl you love walk in freedom?

Equip her with Truth. Dannah Gresh, creator of True Girl and Lies Young Women Believe (coauthored with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth) brings you Lies Girls Believe. This fun, easy-to-read book engages your daughter in the twenty most important truths she needs. She’ll help solve problems using fun sidebars and it’s packed with wisdom, quizzes, games, exploded quotes, and graphics to help her absorb the message. Prepare your daughter for the difficult challenges she’ll face in the world today with sections addressing:

  • Lies about God
  • Lies about Friendship
  • Lies about the Future
  • Lies about Myself
  • Lies about Boys
  • And more! 

Lies Girls Believe is designed to help your daughter fully understand the Truth so she can live the way God meant for her to live—free!

For the best results, use the accompanying A Mom’s Guide to Lies Girls Believe which invites you to critically examine the lies girls believe and discover how to set your daughter free. It also helps facilitate discussion between you and your daughter.

Praise for Lies Girls Believe

I loved Lies Young Women Believe by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Dannah Gresh. And now, I am so excited to see Lies Girls Believe introduce younger girls to the Truth that sets them free. Only Jesus can do that, but Dannah makes understanding how to experience it so accessible. I can’t wait to get it into the hands of my granddaughters!

Cathe Laurie

Founder and director of Virtue, the women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship

Our daughters are being surrounded by positive sounding messages like “Girl Boss” and “Girls Rule the World.” But is that the truth? No—the truth is that Jesus is the boss and He rules! I’m so glad Dannah Gresh has written this guide for moms to combat the lies of social media, pop culture, and foolish friends. Grab your daughter and this book, and head to a favorite spot to talk. I know this book will be the conversation starter for many intentional dates with my daughters!

Arlene Pellicane

Speaker and author of Parents Rising and 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Mom

Girls have never had a more fun way to discover Truth and help them recognize the lies that break trust and relationships. Dannah Gresh clearly compares the lies to Truth in ways girls can identify to correct beliefs about themselves and discover Christ’s goal for their life.

Ron Hunter Jr., PhD

Cofounder and director of the D6 Conference

Author of DNA of D6: Building Blocks of Generational Discipleship

Our girls’ lives depend on their mothers knowing God’s truth. That sounds like a cliché, but for me it was and is still paramount to saving my daughter’s life. Dannah unfolds a process that sets the mother-daughter team free to dispel lies and uncover the truth God wants us to believe about His love for us, our families, friendships, and our future. You’ll learn how to listen, dwell, believe, and act on God’s truth. Therein is freedom.

Jenny Summers

Executive Director of Pregnancy Resource Clinic and Mother of 8

Lies Girls Believe is fantastic tool for moms to prepare their daughters to stand strong against the lies they will be tempted to believe in their teens and twenties and beyond. Invest in your daughter’s future by equipping her with truth. Because the old saying got it right—an ounce of prevention is definitely worth a pound of cure!

Mary A. Kassian

Author of Girls Gone Wise

ISBN: 978-0-8024-1447-2
Publish Date: February 2019
Dimensions: 6 x 9
Format: Paperback