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Why does God seem silent when I need Him most?
The prophet Habakkuk faced great storms in life. His fears of the future crippled him with doubt and left him questioning God. How is it, then, that he is now a shining example of how the righteous live by faith?
Learn how the storms of life can become opportunities to activate your faith in Habakkuk: Remembering the Faithfulness of God When He Seems Silent. You’ll study the book of Habakkuk—which maybe you’ve never done before!—and discover how remembering is essential to understanding the faithfulness of God. Through daily Scripture, prayer, and meditation, you’ll enter the life of this prophet, and:
This six-week study provides daily interactive Bible study and an easy-to-use leader’s guide for group participation. Dannah Gresh also hosts a six-session podcast series to kick off each week of study. See those and more at Dannah’s website.
“When I began research for this Bible study, I could not have imagined the backdrop upon which it would be released. On my very last day of writing, I heard of a deadly novel coronavirus infecting people in China. Before we sent this book to the printer, the COVID-19 pandemic had imprinted the world. We need the lessons of Habakkuk always, but in an urgent and desperate way right now.” —DANNAH GRESH
Who would imagine that a tiny Old Testament book, written by a prophet whose name most of us can’t pronounce would be relevant to the trials of our current day? Dannah Gresh dusts off this ancient treasure and brings to life the promises that you and I must cling to in times of fear, wrestling, silence, and tragedy.
Author and cofounder, Authentic IntimacyI’ve known Dannah Gresh for over thirty years, and this study reverberates with her heart for Christ’s church. Her challenge to us, like Habakkuk’s, is to wake up and listen for God’s voice, to be watchmen for Him in the time in which we live, and to make Christ’s glory known to the nations.
Speaker and author of The Time of Jacob’s TroubleWe love control, and when we do not understand what God is doing, we get impatient and forget God’s promises. What do we do with our fears and doubts? Can we wrestle with God when He seems silent? Dannah takes us through an in-depth study of the book of the prophet Habakkuk and the historical context surrounding it. She encourages us to remember God’s faithfulness in the past, trust that He is working in the present, and watch and wait for His deliverance. This is a great resource to help us grow in our faith when we forget to remember. Very recommended for individual study or group settings!
Director, Aviva Nuestros CorazonesDannah provides an invaluable journey studying the book of Habakkuk. You will gain crucial foundation stones on which to build your relationship with your Heavenly Father. You will be taken deeper into His unfailing love, learning how to have a praying life that is intimate and real. Your faith will soar and your fears diminish as you learn to walk the path of faith.
Author and founder, Moms In Prayer InternationalWe all want to be astounded by God. But can we find wonder in His silence? In His discipline? Do we believe that God is good when nothing else seems to be? These are the questions we find embedded in the ancient prophetic book Habakkuk and the questions that Dannah Gresh writes us a permission slip to wrestle with in this breathtaking study. Dannah has walked the road of devastation and emerged astounded by God’s grace. Let her be your guide as you take God’s Word into the deepest places of your heart.
Author, podcaster, and Bible teacher
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