Help Us Plant Deep Roots of Truth!

Help dads+sons connect and grow closer to Jesus.

Answering the Call

For years, True Girl moms asked “What about our boys?”

In 2017 Born to Be Brave launched its first tour. We also offer Brave Boxes as an exclusive gift to our monthly partners. It’s our way of helping dads connect with and disciple their boys. We are making an impact one dad+son at a time. Would you help us encourage and equip dads to raise their boys in Christ?

Two ways to make an impact!

One-Time Gift

Your one time gifts will help us develop the event, create new resources and buy the equipment necessary to help Born To Be Brave. One-time gifts of $300 or more make you a Born To Be Brave partner for a year.

B2BB Partner

Give a recurring gift of $30 or more monthly to help equip Born To Be Brave to continue to encouraging fathers+sons. As a thank you gift, we will ship a Brave Box to you quarterly!


Start giving now!